[s-cars] alternator

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Fri Feb 11 20:00:21 EST 2005

>  > what's a good way to search the s-car-list archives?
> Go to www.audifans.com, enter your search text in the Google
> search box, then click on the "Google Search" button. For
> search text, enclose phrases in quotes (like "Google Search"),
> and use + to include and - to exclude words, like +Kent +McLean
> or +Kent -Anderson, or alternator +s-cars. Omitting the + and -
> means "or", as in Kent or McLean.
> HTH.
> --
> Kent McLean

IMO there is something drastically wrong with the search function in
audifans.com.  I've never been able to use it with much success.
Usually the best I can come up with is posts from several years ago.
Stuff that I know is there from several months ago, or even today will
not come up.


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