[s-cars] look for contributors to new audi websitewww.audiportal.com

David K. Blumenkranz thekranz at gmail.com
Sat Feb 12 17:39:20 EST 2005


i just got an email from your lawyer,
stating that i had 24 hours to remove yruo phtography.
i have removed all pictures that i belive orginated form yrou site.
it's a shame that the comminty can;'t work togetehrer.

alli wanted to do was create a real portal...
that send people to the right places....
tech by s-cars,
big galleries of collected works,
links to the top forums on teh web.

i have the ability to get great google response,
i can help send the less than cnnected people to the right places to
help educate them,, and show them what is avaible.

a portal does that effectively.....
there are no real audi portals other than link sites....
and i will still create it.
mark my words.

i want to be able to send you hits, and i can do that.
but you take it as iof i am attacking yoru sirte,
or you have a fear that i wil ltake peopel away.
on teh contrary, i have teh abilty to send peopel there.

its about ease of information,
not having to look.
if you arent on s-cars list and not computer savy, you end up buying a
chip from TAP and looking at s-cars or urs4.
i mean c'mon lets help people see and get what they need.

if they need advice on tuning and tech send em to s-cars.
if the want news lets have it syndicated form the big auto news sites.
well why not have a collectin? who cares?
i'll put s-cars on teh picture.
i am not trying to hide where i got them...

if everyone helps in teh portal it can be an easy place to get a quick
overview of what is going on, and then you can click to gfo where you

i'm not getting discouraged.
i have heart
and a serious staff behind me shoudl i decide to drop the site on them.
so lets work togtehr?

or tell me now...
and i will rmeove all s-cars stuff.
and i'l fid someone to fill that niche
but it woudl be a shame
because i stuill use s-cars...

i love audifans teh most
this si genius
and i wil def promote audi fans no matter what happnes.

i want to promo9te you guys
and you gus rthink i want to take biz away.

what a shame.
i'm going to enjoyt my weekend.
maybe update teh site a little bit

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 11:30:03 -0600, Darin Nederhoff <editor at s-cars.org> wrote:
> David,
> While I applaud your enthusiasm in wanting to reinvent the wheel (so to
> speak) I must say that the method of your madness is a bit questionable.
> You've got one of the largest UrS4/S6 galleries because you copied a bunch
> of images from other Audi web sites around the world.  Does copyright
> infringement mean anything to you?  It is one thing to invite people to
> submit their photos for use on your web site or to ask permission from the
> other web site owners whose photos you wish to use, and another thing to
> simply copy them and put them online as your site.
> As far as the tech section, content contributions, image contributions,
> event calendars, etc. are concerned, all of that has been available on
> s-cars.org for quite some time.  I've encourage people to submit pretty much
> anything they wish via the site.  Ultimately, the goal is to keep as much of
> the technical resources in a central location without having to rack your
> brain to figure out what info is on what site.  Audifans.com, UrS4.com, and
> S-cars.org, as well as Charlie Smith's and SJM's sites have pretty much done
> this.  So I guess the question is what do you really hope to accomplish?
> Further more, how long do you intend to do it?  Is this your creative vent
> of the moment or are you willing to invest a lot of time and money into
> making it live on for years?  S-Cars has now been around for more than six
> years, and Dan Simoes quattro list makes my site look like an internet
> toddler.  (By the way, thanks for hosting the s-list for so long Dan!)
> If you just want a place to give you a creative vent for a moment, by all
> means please contribute whatever you wish to s-cars (this applies to
> anyone).  If you are determined to reinvent the wheel on your own, that is
> fine as well but please don't do it by copying content from everywhere else.
> Darin Nederhoff
> Syndicate using http://www.s-cars.org/postnuke/backend.php
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of David K. Blumenkranz
> Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 5:00 AM
> To: Scar
> Subject: [s-cars] look for contributors to new audi
> websitewww.audiportal.com
> i just sent out a quick message when i realized....
> i am looking for people that want to help me and my new web project.
> anyone with show pictures,
> good articles,
> or people that woudl love to showcase stuff they have done.
> If anyoen wants to write a tech section or do a q&a that woudl be great.
> i want to build the site up pretty big.
> as it is now i feel confident i have one of teh largest urs4 s6
> galleries on the web.
> HAP! i'd love you to maybe do a piece and show off yoru monster turbo
> that i love oh so much.
> anyways....
> audiportal.com will be my new creative vent....
> and i am only one man.
> if anyoen wanted to get involved in a web audi project now is your chance!
> i am also looking for audi or automotive rss feeds.
> if anyoen knows of any please let me know.
> enjoy!
> i will gladly host and give full credit to peopel that want their:
> show pictures,
> club event pics
> and any thing else online
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