[s-cars] RE: the Kranz

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Mon Feb 14 10:16:14 EST 2005

"the Kranz" lol'ed me this morning:

<<<why are you afraid  of a new resource...
where people can find links and help to going top teh right places to
find the stuff they need?
its a portal
a portal sens people places.

i coudl send them to you.

change is scary huh>>>

Hey wait a sec...  no more "www.smokingwithmarley.com"???  What up wit
dat?  "Audiportal" is so much less memorable (but will ultimately lead
to more memorableability)...

More seriously, both sides here have valid points.  But hey, prove the
pundits wrong and give us something new and useful, done right.  Sure
beats bench racing, good for you for at least getting out there and
trying something new.  Make us proud.  If people don't like it, don't go
there, right?


ps.  Kranz you have to trade Rossato your Jacquard for his Ecru
leather...  it is a moral imperative afterall...

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