[s-cars] Re: PCV - Long

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Thu Feb 24 02:19:18 EST 2005

The legal department has apparently been dragging its feet over the final,
final, finally revised majority opinion (2 yeas, 1 no comment) and strong
dissenting version (1 yeas, and 2 "I wasn't looking") versions.

Money is on Scott's version to prevail, but Dupree may chime in with a
cautious caveat or two.

Nina Totenberg, NPR

>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car-list On Behalf Of Djdawson2 at aol.com
>But what I'm really wondering is, where the hell is the QSHIPQ 
>write up of 
>the Steamboat event... be sure to include all of the 
>details... up to and 
>or maybe that's not to be spoken of?

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