[s-cars] H&R race spring question (it broke!)

Larry Leung larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 20:25:39 EST 2005

Just so you know, the spacer for the Eibachs is to accomodate
the rear spring, which has a smaller than stock diameter lower 
perch, necessitating the use of the spacer (re: kludge) to make
up for the difference. The bottom dead coil simply rests on the
spacer rather than the perch. Based upon that, I'd venture a guess
that H+R's, having properly sized dead coils, would slip right past
the spacer and the spacer wouldn't have any effect on ride height. 
In the front, the tiny diameter of the spacer would have no effect
on either set of front springs. 

As for coil failure, the most common cause is either a stress
riser in the spring (groove in the surface) or corrosion. Aren't
H+R's lifetime warranteed? If it's a corrosion failure, the cause
would most likely be a failure in the powder coat. Damage (causing
a groove) would most likely not be covered, but anything that
hit the spring that could groove spring steel would most certainly
have been noticed by the driver.


On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 20:14:06 -0500, Edward Estabrook
<edwarde at myrealbox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for some advice regarding lowering springs in general, and my
> broken H&R's in particular.
> What is the lowered height difference between H&R race and the Eibach's?  I
> love the spring rate of my H&R's, but they are TOO low.  Around 2.5" from
> the asphault to the aluminum channel pieces on the underside.  Scrapes on
> everything and mades dirt roads impossible.  Any advice on a stiff spring
> with more clearance?  Also I've read of peeps putting in spacers (usually on
> the rear).  Is it possible to put a spacer all around to get 1/2 more ground
> clearance and still use H&R's springs?  Also, with my H&R's my tires seem to
> wear just find.  Is this just luck, or do the Eibachs require the camber
> plate mod more so than the H&R's.
> The reason this has come up is that my H&R 29771 Race Spring (S6+) broke in
> half on the front right.  Is this a common failure for these springs?  I
> didn't do anything harsh to it, it's never been tracked, and I'm not sure
> what caused it to go... it just started making awful noises one day.  Anyone
> had any success dealing with H&R for replacement?  They were pre-installed
> on the car by PO and as far as I can tell, H&R won't warranty anyone except
> the original purchaser. I think they're pushing 4 years old.
> And lastly, if someone out there happens to have a used 29771 VA lying
> around they'd like to part with, that would be sweet.
> I know springs have been beaten to death on the list, but I couldn't locate
> a downloadable archive and gave up on the month-by month arhives after a few
> months of no luck.
> Thanks!
> Ed
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