[s-cars] OOOO in Denver

Cody Payne cpayne at bconnected.com
Thu Jan 13 10:41:54 EST 2005

I didn't see the video or even hear of the accident...however I bet that
a majority of those drivers:
-1) Were not from CO but implants (I am a native so I can say that) ;-)
-2) Even if they where from CO have never had any formal training
driving on snow/ice
-3) Denver/Front Range is also unique as it snows 1 day, then the next
it is sunny and melted thus there is no opportunity for the
"flat-landers" to get very much experience..unlike people who live in
the mountains where the roads are snow packed much of the winter esp in
the shade.
-4) Too easy to get and keep a drivers license in this country ;)

Still would love to see that vid if anyone finds it.


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