[s-cars] Re: chirping bird in dash

William Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Wed Jan 26 08:49:43 EST 2005

I agree that your problem is most likely the tiny climate control fan. 
There is a small vent in the middle of the dash -- on top above the 
center console. This vent feeds air down to a small fan and this is how 
the climate control regulates the cockpit temperature. Try covering the 
vent with your thumb next time the squeaking starts up.

If you can hear a change in the sound, it is this tiny fan that is 
causing your problem. Good news is, that this problem often clears 
itself up. Mine was intermittently noisy a couple or three years ago, 
but hasn't done it since. Very possible that some dirt or other crud 
falls down there and eventually works itself out??

Bill Noland

> the other possibility is the fan for the auto climate
>control unit - located just to the right of the
>instrument cluster... also chirps on it's way out. 
>What happens if you change fan spped (high to low)?
>Any variation?  - if it changes it's the blower motor
>- took me 2 hours to replace - probabally an hour next
>time.  The small cc fan is a cheeper and easier R&R.
>good luck

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