[s-cars] Locating the DTC connector for AirBag controller

Brent Henry thehenrys at sympatico.ca
Sat Jan 29 12:17:19 EST 2005

My AirBag Warning light has been on for a few weeks now.  Today, I finally have time to attempt to clear and/or diagnose the DTC code.  Unfortunately, in the 1992 S4's the AirBag controller is not connected to the 2x2 connector under the hood in the relay panel.  Apparently, it is located somewhere in the center console.  I was told that it is behind the Climate Control unit.  

This morning I removed the CC unit and also removed the radio to see better.  However, I could not locate the AirBag DTC connectors?  Does anyone have some experience with this or know where that connector is located exactly.  

One other point, is that about 3 years ago, I had the AirBag controller recall done -- so is it possible that they moved the connectors?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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