[s-cars] outside temp indicator light

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 11 11:00:10 EDT 2005

Ivan Demkovitch wrote:
 > 3. Is outside temp indicator supposed to be illuminated?

(from the archives, repackaged to correct the typo in the subject line)

Subject: Re: Oustide air temp bulb replacement
From: Todd Young <auditodd at comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 13:27:11 -0600

If it's anything like the temp display in my '93 90S, it's simply a 
matter of removing the entire gage cluster, separating the temp display 
from the gage cluster and then take the temp display apart and solder in 
a new 12v white bulb. I used a 60mA 12volt bulb that here in the States 
we can purchase at the local Radio Shack.

Note that in my temp gage there were two rubbery squares on each side 
that were between the LCD and the PC board. These are conductive 
material and MUST be kept in the proper orientation to ensure the unit 
will still work when you put it all back together.

Have fun.
Todd Young

--- and ---

From: Todd Young <auditodd at comcast.net>

Oops, my previous post is wrong.
Part #272-1092 is a set of three bulbs, one each red, yellow and green.

I found the package and it's part #272-1092C, package of 2 clear bulbs.
It also has in green "#7219" on the package.

I couldn't find either of those part numbers in the Radio Shack web 
site, I wonder if they don't sell them any more.

Glad I still have 6 of them as spares (along with some 1k ohm resistors 
and an 800mcd wide angle red LED). I'm ready to fix all sorts of 
switches and such in my car. :-)
Todd Young

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