[s-cars] Re: '91 200q 20v

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Jun 1 17:20:08 EDT 2005

On Jun 1, 2005, at 4:08 PM, Joe Pizzimenti wrote:

> I've also noticed a lot of "speed limit" signs scattered throughout my
> neighborhood.  I don't pay them any mind and I think a lot of people
> do the same with regard to the marketplace.

Joe, to answer your post-

The marketplace gets +1000 hits a day, and has (at the moment) 220  
people subscribed to the automatic notification list.  That probably  
works out to several hundred people looking for something to sell or  
buy.  A pretty targeted audience, as opposed to the lists, where most  
people have a closet/garage/yard full of stuff they need to sell, not  

We provide a resource to the community free of both advertising and  
fees, and have done so for a decade and a half, thanks to the  
donations and volunteered time of your fellow enthusiasts.  In  
exchange, you agree to follow the few, simple rules we lay down  
(based on that decade and a half of experience in what works/doesn't)  
to maintain Audifans as a viable resource for enthusiasts and owners.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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