[s-cars] Re: Yet another problem-AC compressor noise

William Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Sat Jun 4 10:00:29 EDT 2005

The a/c compressor on the S-Cars has a "wobble plate" , which varies the 
a/c output. This eliminates the a/c cycling on and off, as is the case 
in most lesser cars. As the compressor turns, the angle of the wobble 
plate changes for more or less cooling.

Of course, the downside of this elegant engineering solution, is that 
you have one more moving part to wear out and the compressors tend to 
get noisier over time. Rebuilt units are available, when the noise gets 
to be too much.

Bill Noland

>Most URS4/6 compressors seem to make more noise that I expected from a luxury car.   But if pedestrians look startled when  you drive up, then perhaps its too much.  I could only suggest a trusted A/C shop to evaluate it, but if it works fine it is probably ok.

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