[s-cars] Audi of America Executive contact?

Bruce Mendel brucem105 at comcast.net
Sat Jun 4 12:45:53 EDT 2005


Not to provoke you, as that truly sucks, but on what basis would you be 
asking for assistance? Was the car just out of warranty? Or that lots of 
them seem to fail and it's a known problem that they are not addressing?

First, I'd say hit some dismantling sites like Force5 and DAD's, you might 
pick up a good used one for WAY less than $2500.

Second, if you want to write to Audi, send your letter by Fedex directly to 
the President of Audi USA, cc the VP of customer service. Just call Audi 
customer relations and ask for the names and addresses of the people you 
want to write to.

Be very respectful of their time, state your problem, specific assistance 
request, and reasons why you think you're entitled to what you are asking.

I've taken on car companies many times, and have always come out with a win, 
maybe not 100%, but pretty close in most cases. Usually, though, you get 
what you ask for, so make sure you state your request and it's 
reasonable...if it's ridiculous, you'll never get anything, as they will 
just put up the wall and they don't "haggle". For example, if you want $1250 
of it covered, or the labor covered, or both, and you state why, that's what 
they would consider reasonable. If you want your car replaced, $5000 for 
pain and suffering, etc., it'll get filed away forever.

I think I helped Igor on a similar problem with a "stock" complaint letter 
once. Igor, did you keep it? I attached a sort of "template" that I used to 
get BMW to buy back a friend's M3 SMG that had blown it's engine, a similar 
situation in that at the time, BMW refused to acknowledge a problem but the 
reports of blown motors were all over the internet. Just sub in your 
details, Audi info, and some backup material (i.e. four or five pages of 
printouts from the web with people complaining of similar problems), and 
FedEx away.

Good luck!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Petersack" <joe at kansack.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 12:30 PM
Subject: [s-cars] Audi of America Executive contact?

> My wife's A4 just had an ABS control unit failure at 80K miles.  The part 
> alone was $2500 and anfet calling and writing AOA they offered NO 
> assistance.  There are hundreds of such failures listed on the Internet 
> and I would like to write to an executive as a last shot.  Anyone have a 
> name and address that I can write to?
> Joe
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