[s-cars] Broken seat heater switch

Wayne Dohnal wd1 at hevanet.com
Thu Jun 9 18:37:55 EDT 2005

>when I was taking out deflector - part that is a switch under
>copper cover came apart and I'm not skilled enough to put it back.


BTDT with this microscopic switch.  I got it back together once but it came 
apart a year or so later.

This switch is the master shutoff for the seat heater, activated when the 
control is set to zero.  I forgot if you leave the circuit open or bridge it 
for the heater to continue working, but without the switch you will get a 
little bit of heating with the control set at zero.  My solution was to swap 
it with a back seat heater control because (1) the weight switch in the back 
seat keeps the heater off anyway when nobody is sitting there, (2) I hardly 
carry anybody in the back seat.

Wayne Dohnal
1994 S4

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