[s-cars] Ubernugen.Com - New Parts Place in Seattle?

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 19:09:09 EDT 2005

Hey Mark,

Try to purchase the EM at the price, and report back to the list with
what the answer is. I know of a gentleman who posted on AudiWorld that
he had received a refund after paying for the manifold through the
site because the published price could not be honored sometime last
year. Perhaps the listed price has changed to reflect one that could
be honored? YMMV.

Good luck, the $100 you might save could equal a big headache later
down the road. Many of this list have dealt with Alex from EuroPrice,
including myself as well as some other trusted sources for Euro parts.
For guaranteed products and service I stick to the well known vendors
with proven track records.

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves 'O plenty!

On 6/17/05, Mark Pollan <mark.pollan at mci.com> wrote:
> Whilst looking for an RS2 EM, I cam across this place which I have never
> seen before http://www.ubernugen.com/index.htm
> The price on the EM is a full $100 below Europrice.  Anybody know of this
> outfit?
> Regards,
> Mark
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