[s-cars] Boost line to ecu question - help PLEASE!

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 17:19:00 EDT 2005

Did you check the moisture trap for the MAP sensor?  It's a vac line
that runs from the intake manifold to the firewall to a moisture trap
to the ECU.  If this line pops off, you will get almost Corolla-like
torque levels.

Pizzo the Banished

On 6/18/05, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> WEll I've been chasing a loss of boost issue, I've spent the morning
> checking every vacuum/boost line I can find. Based on my inspections
> (pressurizing the system) I can't find ANY boost leaks.
> I hooked a boost gauge I purchased to the fitting on the intake
> manifold where the ECU reads for boost. I'm only reading ~2 lbs boost
> there. If I remove the boost hose from the ISV to the intake manifold I
> have TONS of pressure.
> Is there a known problem of this Intake manifold line (the point the
> ECU reads from) getting plugged?
> Right now I'm at a loss on what to do next, what to check next.
> HELP!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! :-)
> Chris
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