[s-cars] Semi-OT: Need best route..

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 20 00:36:55 EDT 2005


I have driven from KAlamazoo, MI to the east cost both routes (canada
and turnpike).

After driving the Canadian roads, and getting my V1 confiscated I may
biased in my thoughts, but I suggest you take the turnpike. 


--- Raphael Avila <riff944 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Gents,
> I am relocating from wonderful (NOT) RI and moving back to my roots
> in
> Chicago.  What is the best route (timewise) for me to take?  Through
> PA??  Go north through NY and Canada??  Been a while since I have
> made
> a roud trip of this length, back in college I drove from Chicago to
> Boston non-stop, but the details of that trip are very hazy.
> Small Audi content, this will be in th S6 and I will have an old
> Passport 7500 to help me.
> Also should I get AAA or simply gamble on the need for a tow....
> Cheers,
> Riff
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