[s-cars] purchase excitement & followup thanks

qbrian at ptd.net qbrian at ptd.net
Tue Jun 21 12:56:06 EDT 2005

wOOOhOOOO, i just bought an urq(sorta)

just wanted to share some excitement with others that can empathize.

so my best friend calls me up first thing this morning, and after much 
hubbub and call making he has me login as him on ebay (cotteriscool) and 
click buy-it-now for that '84 ur-q some may have seen on ebay. no time to 
waste we figure..an '84 for 6grand, hot damn. beat paint&front seats or not, 
this is history in the making.

i wanted to do it with my ebay id(wurldpeace)-- for the territorial-dog-piss 
fun of it, but no, just the fun of clicking commit to buy and the promise 
that ill be the one driving it home from quebec...oh my, i hope that goes 

y'see, hes in the marines(NC) AND doesnt get his license back until 
september, then he'll be my roommate(PA) for 4 years of going to college to 
graduate and become an officer.  so even if my name isnt on the title, with 
all of this brotherhood, i'll be its pseudo-owner.hopefully.or at least be 
able to always say how i was in her first, aahhhh!!! that sounds so funny 

now ive got to convince him that its an heirloom, NOT to be sold.   i 
already said it once, and he said the usual like, cut the altruistic hippie 
bullshit, and how im more of a killer than him, or how id make "one damn 
fine marine", and even if he sells it, itll be owned by greatness for a 
while.  fine thom(cotteriscool), shoot down my pie in the sky, ill bake 

pardon my ramblings, but im quite excited, and looking forward to all of the 
adventures to come.

if anyone knows of specific e-lists, like the audifans s-car list, but 
specific to ur-q's, post please, or drop the dude a line at 
cotteriscool at hotmail... he'll appreciate it all the more if you call him 
names or threaten him with a race to the death, seriously ;)

as for my 2wheel tow post: thanks for all the comments guys.

currently, im planning on dismantling anyways. i have my qualms about 
stipping an ur, but rod1 snapped & its got no ecu. for a few hundred im 
sold. for a hundred more id be able to tow it myself. with 
bernzOmatic,various hand tools, jacks and a friend, im optimistic.  manassas 
VA to stroudsburg PA...slowly.
later all, brian

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