[s-cars] 1K in the S6

Raphael Avila riff944 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 08:12:15 EDT 2005

Well guys the S6 handled the trip to Chicago like achamp, thought I
should not have doubted as such.  Anyway here are some reflections
from the road.

1.  Who let Bambi out onto 95 in CT????  I was going ~70ish and it was
dark.  The Bilstiens/Eibachs did their job in the emergency swerve.  I
am only glad I juked left and Bambi took off right or that would have
been the shortest road trip ever.

2.  What a comfortable car to drive!  Only driving short (very)
distances in RI did not give me any real appreciation on this cars as
a runner.  Running for 4hr stretches (most of a tank of gas) was no
problem and I got out of the carin fine shape.  I only hope my S2 is
is good when I repeat the drive next week.

3.  No one notices the car on the road.  I was flying and the car
might as well have been invisible.  Great little "extra" for a car so

Now for a question.  During steady cruising (3800rpm) the car seemed
to feel like it lost a little power.  The speed did not change with
throttle position, but the motor seemed to run just a bit rougher.  I
also noticed this if I ended up changing speed, say dropping to
2500rpm the accelerating back to cruising speed.  The motor would
hesitate and feel sluggish, then simply go back to normal and pull
nice and smooth.

This was intermittant and happened across multiple fill ups of gas, so
I do not think it was bad gas.  Any ideas?

Alos anyone know good mechs in the Chicago area?  Prefer to be
northern suburbs, but will travel for good work.


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