[s-cars] Climate controller panel

Mark Hahn HAHNMGH at peoplepc.com
Mon Jun 27 23:16:59 EDT 2005

  Thanks Josh, that is exactly what I found out. It fit just like the 
original, and I can see where Hella made some improvements in the buttons 
operations and LED's for lighting rather than the four bulbs our S-Cars 
have. It would not turn on the A/C compressor although the snowflake 
displayed, it also would not control the heat. MGH

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joshua van Tol" <josh at spiny.com>
To: "Mark Hahn" <HAHNMGH at peoplepc.com>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Climate controller panel

> If it's an automatic climate control, chances are it'll be really  goofy 
> in terms of its ability to control comfort. My day job is  designing these 
> things, and even if the hardware is interchangeable,  the firmware inside 
> has to be tailored to the vehicle it's designed  to work in.
> On Jun 26, 2005, at 11:41 PM, Mark Hahn wrote:
>>  Anyone swap out their climate control panel for one out of a A4?   The 
>> part #'s are different but after just a power on check it seems  to work 
>> fine. The unit out of the A4 has the bulbs internal instead  of 
>> replaceable. Maybe the back lighting bulbs in the A4 unit are  LED? 
>> Thanks, MGH
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