[s-cars] EDL fails (but my new 22's worked great!)

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 21:10:52 EST 2005

Yes, but lockers are even better- the STi with locked center and
Torsen rear does 4 wheel roostertails all day long in deep snow. :-)

The Volvo does asymmetrical roosters- the Haldex system transfers
torque all over the place and causes the car to crab-walk up inclines
while throwing snow all over the place. :-)

I'd like to hear Mike and Keith's input on Haldex- is it a better
system than quattro IV w/ EDL?

I'm not crazy about FWD biased AWD, due to the 100% FWD til it slips
distribution of torque that makes it kind of weird-feeling when you do
hit low traction patches. You would think that Haldex systems would be
better for fuel efficiency, but 15mpg in daily driving does not seem
to back up that theory. Hard to get more than 18mpg even on the
highway, the Volvo is a fuel hungry pig- must be the gearing, as the
weight of the V70R is similar to the UrS, similar size tires
(235/45R17), similar displacement and power output (2.5L I-5, 300hp).

What does the autobox equipped UrS have for mileage figures?


On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 20:59:10 -0500, Serge Filanovsky
<s6serge at verizon.net> wrote:
> Still better than an open diff. Way better for throwing roosters.
> Serge

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