[s-cars] RE: EDL fails (but my new 22's worked great!)

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Mon Mar 7 09:50:51 EST 2005

Kirby HMMV'd:

<<<Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2005 22:10:50 -0500
From: Kirby Smith <kirbyasmith at gwi.net>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Re: EDL fails (but my new 22's worked great!)

I recall reading somewhere that HMMV's have torsens on every axel.  I 
suppose they would have lockers too.  With an uparmored HMMV, about 10 -

  12,000 lbs, you should be able to get to the asphalt for good 
traction.  :)


Couple this with the diesel and not them godforsaken gas pigs the
civvy's get and nothing, nothing, nothing short of an IED (read the
news) is gonna stop you 8-).  Don't ask why I know (more 8-)).

-Paul muchmuch HMMV seat time (muwhahaha-style) as well as others 6x6
(quattro x 1.50x?) and 8x8 (quattro squared?) K.

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