[s-cars] RE: 2006-7 RS4 >>> used Audi's

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Tue Mar 8 10:10:07 EST 2005

You sum it up very well Bill!  That redline could very well help me find
my way past the cartoonish proportions.  The Avant pics I've seen are
far more proportionate.  

Regardless...  we won't get one... and she'll be too complex to own in a
real world.

Caught some of that AudiWorld hosted 25 anniversary Q stuff or whatever
that gala was.  Man.  Nice spread they put on.  Where oh WHERE is a US
version?  Think that's telling in and of itself.

No one is listening, no one is listening...

-Paul other marques are going the same complex direction unfortunately
old yet fixable beaters

-----Original Message-----
From: William Noland [mailto:wenoland at pacbell.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 9:09 AM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com; Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Subject: Re: 2006-7 RS4 >>> used Audi's

Pleeeeeeeaaasse Audi, import a neu RS4 Avant, the ultimate Q ship. 
Quickly! I figure, after four years, the lease returns will start 
popping up at the local stealer and maybe, just maybe, the price will be


One very good sign IMO, is that this RS4 is coming out near the start of

the new model run. The others have been at the end of the model life 
cycle. Hoping that this means that they'll make several thousand of 
them, which should help drop the used car prices a bit.

Too much good stuff on this car to simply RS4-ize the B6 S4. An 8,250 
rpm V8 -- oops, just wet myself, I think. Kinda makes those little neck 
hairs stand up straight. Enough to make me ignore that gaping homker of 
a front end.

Bill Noland
wanna make an RS4 our S4

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