[s-cars] H&R Spring GB

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Wed Mar 9 09:41:10 EST 2005

Can I get a show of hands on who'd be in on a H&R spring group buy for
their V8 or urS4/6 (or 200q20v, if applicable)?

I've been a bit hesitant to step forward with this, but what the hell...
I've already gotten a bit of positive feedback from a smaller focus
group.  I'm only in the exploratory stage at this point, but with GregJ
tackling the koni buy, and the winter weather not yet breaking, I
thought this would be as good a time as any to "think springs".

Three important notes:

1)  I've never initiated anything of this sort (i.e. group buy for any
part for any car), so I'm open to support.  For example, I wonder if it
could/should be opened up to ALL applications (and therefore multiple
H&R part numbers), not just the aforementioned big cars.   Also, would
UFO-equipped cars use a different part?

2)  There's a couple-few different spring sets available, but I'm only
interested in a street performance setup that would lower the car 1-1.5"
and tighten things up a bit.  In reference to #1 above, my guess is that
the order would have to be for one PN only, so there'd have to be
agreement on identical setups.   Please chime in if that isn't
necessarily the case.

3)  I hear herding cats is no fun.  The sooner you could RSVP, the

If interested, please rsvp with name, car model, likelihood of
participation, and anything else you have on your mind.  And my
apologies if this has already been done and everyone except me is
already all set up...


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