[s-cars] NAC - Advice on material for Dream Garage walls and Ceiling

Ed Walsh rundeep_32 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 7 19:31:55 EST 2005

Hi All,

Could anyone with ideas (any ideas) recommend a
material for the walls and ceiling of a 16x23 garage

I have already decided on Igor's U-Coat-It epoxy for
the floors.  A gray concrete paint for the exposed
foundation (makes up about 3 feet of the 8 foot
walls), but I am in a quandary as to which is the best
wall and/or ceiling material.  My original plan was
for skim-coated blue board (i.e., drywall), but I was
thinking there may be something more practical in
terms of looks, sound and weather insulation,
hardiness, durability, etc.  Being able to configure
and reconfigure the walls as tools and cars change
over time would be great too.  The ceiling has this
type of garage door opener, and there will be several
surface mounted twin-bulb cold temp florescent on the
ceiling.  Also, there is a family room above the

Should I just stick with drywall, or is there another
material that is superior?  What do you shop guys

Thanks a million, Ed

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