[s-cars] RE: Spring GB

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Wed Mar 9 12:28:20 EST 2005

> Tell me about the Spring GB.
> -Scott by BOSTON 200 20V

I'm in the exploratory stage of organizing a Sport Spring group buy.
Now just rounding up interested parties and soliciting feedback.  Most
likely H&R, though not carved in stone.  Intrax is bouncing around as a
possibility as well, due to their progressive configuration.  They go a
bit lower than H&Rs but don't purport to stiffen the ride up any.

Anyway, I've contacted a few H&R distributors, and a widespread reaction
is that most places now have to order thru TireRack... who gets $310 a
set and probably won't offer any volume discount.   There's also a
possiblity of a long wait since inventory is low and they'd need to
order from H&R/Germany.

However, I don't believe TR is the only game in town, as a couple other
folks have thrown out "at cost" language with 20+ order size.


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