[s-cars] RE: Fumoto

Serge Filanovsky s6serge at verizon.net
Thu Mar 10 18:23:49 EST 2005

On my 95 Avant, the Fumoto went on w/ no problems. On the 95.5 Maco wagon, I
had to grind down a significant portion of the front anti-sway bar to get
the Fumoto to fit.

Just kidding,  no grinding was done. The bar was so in the way, that I saw
no possible way to get the valve on. I have since had the front motor mounts
replace, but have not had the chance to see if this shifted things enough to
sneak the Fumoto in there.

Serge Filanovsky

95.5 S6 Avant


> Anybody with an Avant (or Sedan with the larger front ARB) install this valve?
> I've got mine sitting in a box, and should get it put in next oil
> change, as the last oil change we nearly didn't get the plug out!
> (Had to go get the beefiest impact wrench in the shop!)
> Cheers,
> Keith
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 12:48:43 -0700, Bob DG <bobs6 at msn.com> wrote:
>> My swaybar needed to be dropped to install the valve...
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