[s-cars] Door, light & seatbelt chime relay #7 where is it???

Thompson rallye90 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 15 09:30:59 EST 2005

My '95 //S6 door, light and seatbelt chime buzzer decided to
just stop working. Has anyone ever had this happen?  All the
interior and exterior lights work fine, just no buzz.

I took the knee panel off on the drivers side. (I'm an old
school ur-quattro and Porsche 944 guy - relay boxes under the
dash I'm used to). Wow! Hey it looks like my Porsche 944 relay
box under there! Anyway, the label on the panel says relay #7
(on the upper right second row) is supposed to be the chime
buzzer. Looking at the relay panel, I've only got six
locations, that's it. There is no #7 relay. Where the hell is
this little thing?

I did notice a small relay way above the tan fabric covered air
channel right next to the steering column, but it doesn't have
the typical long look with a circular holes in the top for the
sound to come of, it's short and small.

Any BTDTs would be helpful.

'95 //S6 (speachless for now...)
'85 Porsche 944

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