[s-cars] Indi. Mechs. in KC & stock clutch

Ron Kirkham ronk at oparch.com
Tue Mar 15 16:09:59 EST 2005


My brother recently bought a '01 S4 with Audi Assured Warranty.  He is not a
huge fan of the local dealer that he bought it from, (go figure?)  His
Warranty runs out soon, so, anyone know a good indipendant Audi mechanic in
the KC metro area (Overland Park specifically)?  One that might be versed in
aftermarket, gofast parts would be a bonus, but any reputable wrench  in the
area would help.

Also, all this recent talk of clutches has me thinking.  My 93 S4 has the
orig. clutch at 177k.  Has anyone seen many more miles from the stock orig.
clutch?  I don't spend much time in heavy traffic, and I thankfully don't
live where I'm hampered by such crazy things as too many stop signs or stop
lights.  Just speculating on how much longer the clutch will last.  I don't
do high RPM lacunches, and almost always heel/toe my shifts, up and down, so
I'm not hard on it, but it is only a matter of time.  BTW the car is fully


Ron Kirkham
93 S4 177k

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