[s-cars] Re: H&R Group Buy

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Wed Mar 16 10:09:28 EST 2005

The 29800 (200 20V) are $242 at the Tire Rack. Just an FYI.
V8 and ur-S4 price at $310.
I'd rather a lister or list parts supplier IMHO.
-Scott by BOSTON

In a message dated 3/16/2005 10:01:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
David.Coleman at blackrock.com writes:

> Hello all, 
> As it stands, we've got 14 people with varying degrees of interest in 
> participating in a spring group buy.   If your email is one of those included in 
> the "To" field above, you're one of those that I have marked down as interested.
> Overwhelming majority is leaning toward H&R #29921.   There's been a couple 
> requests for #29800, and when I re-approach the distributors, I will ask 
> about including those as well.  I will not be shopping for price/availability for 
> any other brand, so please let me know ASAP if you want out (or in).
> The benchmark is a better price than TireRack's $310 -- otherwise we can all 
> just order on our own.  Shipping would have to be paid either way, since 
> I'll probably need to have all shipped to me then send them out to each 
> individually.  It's probably too soon to tell if we'll have enough involvement to 
> execute this deal, but if so, I will try to set up a credit card payment method 
> through an associate of mine if needed.
> SO.  PLEASE let me know by Friday if you plan on dropping out or joining in. 
>   The more the merrier. 
> -DaveC. 
> 302-797-2106 

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