[s-cars] Stebel horn

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Thu Mar 17 08:22:44 EST 2005

<strug_gling for restraint> mu-ha_ahAHA-ah-ha...   MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Stebel horns are, hmmm:

A) 	locomotive
2) 	wrong
iii) 	so very wrong
d) 	farquing ludicrous
five) 	looney toonesque aka Acme uberultra wow
VI) 	all of the above

muwhahahahhaa.  Ah ha.  Ah haaaaa...

Esp. throughout the streets of downtown.  Dangerous.  Um, they are, uh,
'heard'.  Yes.  Not to mention parking garage.  Shouldn't be legal.

For the record, Perron and Rossato (oddly dismantling my 0kq donor car
even with me absentia?) also passed muster...  they too were heard all
the way across my garage in hysterics through the cell phone sitting in
front of the car on the ground.  Makes me feel more normal at least.  Or

FWIW blah blah blah $5 off runs off this week
http://makeashorterlink.com/?E2DB311BA, mention me to Andrew Fekete if
you wanty.  No affiliation other than my $5 off and a gigantic FU device
now successfully mounted.

-Paul what better way to give an enormous fu  K.

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