[s-cars] Head Gaskets, Bolts, Water Pumps and Stebel Canons,

mtgadbois at aol.com mtgadbois at aol.com
Thu Mar 17 12:07:19 EST 2005

When I did that work last summer I bought most of the parts from some place in Florida that I found on the internet - euro something.  The parts were for a standard AAN engine and the head gasket was metal composite, the head studs were expensive stretch bolts etc.  Everything appeared to be top-notch and it has been together now for 9K miles with no problems (RS2 level).  Tip - use gasket sealer on the rear 1/2 moon on the valve cover gasket.  Water pump, timing belt and spark plugs came from FAB99 on ebay - highly recommended.  Have fun.  You will also need the crank lock tool to tighten the crank bolt. 
Mark near Chicago

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