[s-cars] Wheel/tire performance - how different between wheel sizes?

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 21 14:47:31 EST 2005

--- "lee at wheelman.com" <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:
> I ran a set of 245/45 16" Toyo TS-1s on the 16x8 wheels. Then I 
> switched to the same tire in a 255/40 17" size on a set of 17x8 
> wheels.
> Yes, there's a difference. The 16" wheels gave a bit of a fat, 
> floaty ride in comparison to the 17"s. Not bad, per se...but the 
> 17"s were clearly superior. The Toyos ride great, so there was 
> little to no degradation in ride quality, but the handling got 
> better.

the real reason to get 17" wheels, IMHO, is the greater selection in
high-performance low-profile tires.

it's too bad that you can't get a 255/40/16.  i would install those
on my 16x8s if i could find them.


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