[s-cars] RE: Sighting on 84E last night 9:30pm

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Tue Mar 22 10:44:31 EST 2005

Elvis sighted and Tom suggested:

<<<Message: 2
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 22:03:33 -0500
From: "Tom Mullane" <tmullane at snet.net>
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Sighting on 84E last night 9:30pm

Not me.  Paul K?  That tends to be his territory.


Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 10:10:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Elvis Palombizio <epalombizio at yahoo.com>
Subject: [s-cars] Sighting on 84E last night 9:30pm

Lister? Sighted a green S4/6 last night around 9:30pm
going towards Hartford on 84E... 


Heh.  Me?  9:30 last night?  Hmmm, I think I was still vacuuming and
mopping and doing laundry and and and and and.  Glorious Monday times
here in Tolland fersure.  Gotta pay the dues I guess.

Realistically there are far more green UrS cars around this area than
you can fathom.  I'm one of two in my town of 10,000, green that is, and
then there is a silver one.  There are 3 green SEDANS within 3 city
blocks here in Hartford alone, not to mention Mark's green wagon and
another black sedan.  In 3 blocks.

I digress.  I've realized sightings are NEVER listers!  8-)  Odd but

-Paul at 22k+ / year you'd think it was me K.

ps.  I *did* spy Elvis going 91N past Hartford as I was going south
months ago...  had to be you, once I saw that never seen before grille
job you did I figured it out.  I passed Rich A. in his son's black '92
Sat. in Jen's ML, they had no idea it was me tho 8-)

pps.  I've also come to realize I may actually never be 'sighted', too
much a green blur to confirm existence.  The way I like to keep things

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