[s-cars] Mihnea is a tree huggin hippie!!!!!

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed Mar 23 10:24:20 EST 2005


Passed emissions yesterday, figured I'd share as I got a good chuckle.
CT emissions has been off line for some time, my car was over  a year
over due, sweet!  Who'da thunk Mihnea's aggressive 1+ chip would be a
"Green EcoWeenie"?

Patient is '95 //S6 mit 144k, MRC Stage 1+ chip (I more aptly suggest
MCC for "Mihnea CRACK Chip"), driven hard put away wet, incessantly.
Mobil 1 every maybe 5k, with a 'thirst' for 1-2 quarts in between
intervals.  OE cat installed.


HC:  	Test limit 220 / Test result 7
CO:	Test limit 1.20 / Test result 0
NOX:	N/A no 4 wheel dyno (suckers)

Seven ppm HC? 

 ZERO ppm CO???  

BWAHahahahahahahaha, and MUWHAHHAHA.  I'll take it!  Apparently doing
bong hits off my tailpipes would be healthier than taking a walk around
sunny Hartford here and breathing.  Nice.

Now, more interesting was my dialogue with the 'person I know' emissions
attendant regarding him theoretically noting or not taking note of the
existence of a cat, hypothetically of course.  He said, "of course I see
/ would see it".  Hmmmm, now that poses an interesting proposition now
don't it???  Appears my test results have LOTS of room to increase and
still pass sans kitty.  Hmmm.   I'd always heard these cars would likely
pass all but NOX even sans kitty as they're real clean but was
skeptical, guess I was way off.

I've only heard / smelled Pizzo's Stromung mit 'test pipe' car.  How
much louder will 'alleged' cat removal make my Stebro equipped car?  

Exactly how much stinkier?  I've only run catless N/A cars, not turbo,
and it stunk pretty bad when backing down on one's own fumes (try that
in the TR3 with top down).  

Will it 'backfire / burble' under decel, sounding like it's breaking
apart (ala ricer honda or something)? 

Biggest question:  will it affect my current state of chip-tune and need
me to have Mihnea compensate for the new variable (lack there of)?  

Is the nominal power / flow gain worth it?  Most say the OE cat isn't
overly restrictive, but...


-Paul tailpipe bonghits K.

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