[s-cars] RE: Stebel horns

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Mon Mar 28 14:57:40 EST 2005

Charlie whimpied:

<<<My reaction - It's very wimpy.  Barely better than the Fiamm air
for $19.95 at local auro parts stores.>>>

Whimpy by comparison of full air compressor powered 3' trumpets on a
Peterbuilt, Kenworth, or Freightliner?  Sure.  Whimpy compared to what
else is 'realistically' available?  No way.  And "very whimpy"???  More
'senior' ears to mine may hear them differently maybe 8-).  Maybe you
ordered their Compact unit?  Believe me, the thing is annoyingly "get
the F out of my way" loud.

They're f'n loud.  Loud loud loud.  FU loud.  YMMV I guess, Tom Mullane
hearing them 3 blocks away, inside 10 stories up should tell ya sumptin

<<<By comparison, the ACOUSTI-CLEAN horns (last on the list) need
40 to 80 CFM of air.

    Charlie, Yours to making a louder statement, Smith>>>

Heh, Acousti-Clean is my client here in CT.  I called my guy there
before ordering mine to determine any automotive application.  I passed
after he suggested my trunk not being big enough for the compressor I'd
need 8-).


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