[s-cars] Looking for Small Track tire/equipment trailer ideas & solutions ~ still

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Mon Mar 28 16:05:55 EST 2005

Still looking.  In the mean time has anyone had any experience with anything
like this:

   http://www.tiretail.com ~> http://tinyurl.com/5x5jq 
	~> http://tinyurl.com/4kdb7 


>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car-list On Behalf Of mlp

>While the UrS cars can usually haul all the necessary 
>accouterments (i.e. primarily 4 extra tires and a jack) 
>without too much rear seat cramming, I'm still interested in a 
>small light weight track trailer a la:
>	FROM the Rx8 list:  www.sstrailers.com  
>	Rainer Mueller's Miata Trailer solution: 
>	www.alumaklm.com ~ the enclosed "towable motorcycle 
>trailer" Model MCT at 
>	http://tinyurl.com/59q4b (probably too small) or the 
>slightly larger "AE46" version
>	at http://tinyurl.com/5sngf  
>Are there any more sites, ideas, tract tire plans, 
>recommendations and or offerings out there that one might want 
>to also look at?

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