[s-cars] Stebel horn

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 16:13:54 EST 2005

Keep in mind that the following comment is coming from a guy that went
full RS2 plus on an S-car, took his mother's A6 luxobarge to a track
event while awaiting delivery of Jap Econoshitbox wannabe rallycar and
upon delivery of said wannabe rallycar, has poured inordinate amounts
of money and energy into said depreciating asset:

Charlie, you're a sick fuck.

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 11:21:39 -0500 (EST), Charlie Smith
<charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org> wrote:
> Earlier, Robert Rossato wrote:
> >
> > This article hit our local paper yesterday (No, I'm not in MN.  Just
> > first link I could find.).
> >
> > http://www.duluthsuperior.com/mld/duluthsuperior/news/nation/11007028.htm
> >
> > Paul, apparently the Stebels are just, uhm, ahh.... training horns.
> Yeah, I agree with Bob.  I ordered a Stebel to see what it was.  I can
> use it on a motorcycle if nothing else.
> My reaction - It's very wimpy.  Barely better than the Fiamm air horns
> for $19.95 at local auro parts stores.  More compact, but not much
> louder.
> Here's a collection of air horn URLs, some that you guys just wrote
> about and a couple from other sources.  The last URL on my list is
> a horn designed to vibrate scale off the insides of boilers - and will
> probably vibrate the paint off the doors of that guy that pulled
> out in front of you.  Here's the list:
>     http://www.elektro.com/~charlie/horns/
> I've been running air horns on my Dodge pickup, and currently have a
> Hadley Horns from JC Whitney (pn: 14UD9033W $279.99) which is Hadley
> Bully Series Kit H00961 EA.  It's a claimed 133 Db, which is loud, but
> not enough.
> I've got a dual trumpet Grover horn set, that's 38" long.  It's
> not yet installed, the horns won't fit under the hood even on
> a full sized pcikup.  It's horn # 1056 on this web page:
>     http://www.groverproducts.com/truck_info.htm#DuelConnected
> The really big problem with all of these is the air supply.  If you
> want a LOT of noise, you need a LOT of air.  The Hadley horns on my
> truck came with a wimpy compressor and (about) a quart size air tank.
> At 130 PSI, it would blow the horns loudly for about 3 seconds.  And
> then take a long time to build up pressure again.  The air solenoid
> that came with the Hadley set won't pass enough air to even blow
> the Grover horns.  After I installed air helper springs on the back
> of the truck, I forked over the bucks to get a bigger compressor.
> See the Firestone air helper spring site http://www.riderite.com/
> for compressor WR1-760-9210.  At 100 PSI it produces .58 CFM.
> With a 3 gallon air tank that's not yet installed, it should have
> enough capacity to blow the Grover horns real well.  We'll see.
> Oh yeah, also using a Grover air solenoid.
> By comparison, the ACOUSTI-CLEAN horns (last on the list) need
> 40 to 80 CFM of air.
>     Charlie, Yours to making a louder statement, Smith
>       :-)
> ~
> ~
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