[s-cars] NAC: $100k wetdream purchase

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Thu Mar 31 18:37:28 EST 2005

".i'd buy an '02 911 turbo for $85k-$90k with <10k miles on it,
and use the extra money to buy an '02-'03 S8 to use as a daily driver."
I like this line of thought.  03 S8 Black / Camel really stands out IME.
02 turbo VG choice but I have really been enamored with the neu 997 cabrio
Makes me think maybe the old space capsule like 993 tt would be cool too,
but what do I need with another old car?
So here I sit with a versatile, fast, very stealth, daily driver, paid for,
cheap insurance, fat pig avant. always with an issue or two.
I think I'll buy some nice wheels to make myself feel better.
Bill m   
~ coming soon: road report on my friends Cayenne S. (what no turbo?)  nope:/


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