[s-cars] Thermostat replacement question

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Sun May 1 16:58:18 EDT 2005

Thanks, Dave.  Sounds like fun, any particular curse words I shouldn't
be using? (Seeing how its Sunday and all).  ;>)

Dave F.

Djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:

>  In a message dated 5/1/2005 1:24:51 PM Mountain Standard Time,
> forgied at direct.ca writes:
>      1.  I see a flat paper gasket sticking out the housing.  I
>      have a new
>      O-ring but no flat paper gasket.  What are the chances of
>      re-using that
>      gasket?  (Its Sunday)
>  Not sure where the paper gasket came from... but none is needed.
>      2.  Probably more important, I am not sure how to get the
>      upper (front)
>      bolt out.  I can see it but the PS pump is kind of in the
>      way (and I
>      would rather not have to move the PS pump if I can help
>      it).  I would
>      presume that some kind of universal joint and an extension
>      could work.
>      Any hints?  (The lower, rear, bolt seems to be a straight,
>      albeit long,
>      shot.
> Yes, you need a swivel socket.  Once the bolts are out, the fun may
> just be begining... sometimes getting the old stat out can be the
> worst part, especially with the space situation.Have fun,Dave

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