[s-cars] ISO: 1 Mille Miglia Emotion SSL, 17x8, 5x112, 35mm offset

audiSean audisean at gmail.com
Wed May 4 21:47:03 EDT 2005

A 5th wheel would be perfect now, wouldn't it? If you can find that
link, Gabriel, I'd appreciate it.

On 5/4/05, Gabriel Caldwell <gabriel at ts.bc.ca> wrote:
> On this note... when you are buying wheels, always try to buy 5 if you
> can.  Wheels get discontinued and 1 bad curbage or bend will ruin your
> entire set of wheels if it cannot be repaired.  Having a spare can prove
> invaluable.  I ran across a company before than bought orphaned wheels
> and specialized in helping people out in this circumstance.  I've lost
> the link but I will see if I can find it again.

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