[s-cars] spooks? Sunroof won't close.

Nick Stuart baredok at gmail.com
Mon May 9 09:34:02 EDT 2005

I've experinced this problem before. To get it closed I've usually had
to turn it so that it started opening back into the roof, then closed
it from there. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. But I
believe, as has been reported on the list, the problem is a dirty
switch it self.

Try when turning the switch, pushing up on it at the same time, or
something like that.

Hope you get it closed before wifey gets rained on.  =\


On 5/9/05, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> OK searching Audiworld's archives,
> Wife's 93 S4 wants to keep the sunroof lifted up partway instead of
> closing it. According to a post I read at Audiworld sounds like simply
> unhooking and rehooking the battery can solve the problem.
> Is there a good FAQ written up?
> Any thoughts, wifey is pretty unhappy right now!
> Thanks
> Chris
> AUDI - Accelerates Under Demonic Influence.
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