[s-cars] Cam's for Cheap! NAC

Dick Renard renard at tailgater.net
Mon May 9 16:13:11 EDT 2005

Hi Trevor,
I have a 1966 Winkspeed Cortina GT that we restored to a Winklemann 
Performance Handbook from the '60's.  Based, again, on what I thought I 
wanted to do, John set up my cam, gave me exhaust lengths for primary, 
exhaust lengths for secondaries, and distance from final collector to the 
muffler.  After a bit, I wanted to reseal the motor and I found out the cam 
had gone flat on a couple of lobes.  When I took the cam back to John and 
said, "What did I do?", he gave me a two page, hand written answer about 
metallurgy, additives and oil selection.  I still have that letter, and if I 
ever sell this car, only a copy will go with it!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Trevor Frank" <tfrank at symyx.com>
To: "Dick Renard" <renard at tailgater.net>; "Phil Mische" 
<pmische at comcast.net>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Cc: <squirrelhill at mlode.com>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:31 PM
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Cam's for Cheap! NAC

> I knew John, I guess near the end of his carrier, I remember some fellow
> engine builders at the time saying that they would like me to work with
> him.  I remember them having to call first, and giving me some pointers,
> for if he didn't know you or didn't take a liking to you, you where not
> going to get anything from him.  Around the same I took a class from
> Elgin on cams, and realized that Elgin tried to understand cams, tried
> to engineer them on the coat tails of Winfield and Delong.  John was
> there in the beginning, built his own cam grinder, he knew cams, he knew
> grinders, understood them past the numbers in a way an artist knows his
> paint or a sculptor finds its form from the media.  I can tell you that
> he still used that HP calculator; he still remembered every cam he ever
> made.  He was the one, when everyone else is using 7075 alum, for
> retainers and valve train components, he used 2024.  I remember John
> opening up the alco book that was 2x my years and saying look, 7075 at
> that temperature, is weaker than 6061 at that temp, 2024 is the only
> readily available alloy that still has anything left. A lesson one of
> many that I keep with me today, more than a cam grinder, a teacher. \
> It is unfortunate, but there are few artisans in that industry anymore,
> I know in my lifetime those pioneers who really got in from the cradle
> will all be in the grave.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dick Renard [mailto:renard at tailgater.net]
> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 11:59 AM
> To: Phil Mische; Trevor Frank; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Cc: squirrelhill at mlode.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Cam's for Cheap!
> Thanks Guys,
> My dad knew John and bought cams from him when he was first at Babbitt
> Bearing in San Jose after the war.  When I first opened my race shop in
> 1972, Dad took me to John.  He was pretty irascible, but because of my
> dad,
> I learned to always ask; "John, here's what I am thinking, what would
> you
> like to do?"  From that, we had John do everything, VW/Porsche, Alfa
> Romeo,
> English Ford, Jaguar, Lotus, Chevrolet, etc.  Slover Cylinder Heads (LA)
> and
> I were the only guys to provide cylinder and inlet manifold air flow
> numbers
> to John, then we would step back and listen while he would work a pad of
> paper, an old HP calculator and his common sense.  And Phil, you're
> right.
> If you asked in earnest, listened carefully, he would give you not only
> the
> cam, lifters and springs, he would give you ignition, carb, inlet
> manifold,
> plus exhaust lengths and configurations.  Amazing!  Thank you so much
> for
> responding, I've got a number of guys to reach.
> Best Wishes,
> Dick Renard
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil Mische" <pmische at comcast.net>
> To: "Trevor Frank" <tfrank at symyx.com>; "Dick Renard"
> <renard at tailgater.net>;
> <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 12:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Cam's for Cheap!
>> John Delong was great grinder - in a world full of bull his stuff just
>> flat worked.  Big shoes to fill.
>> P
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Trevor Frank" <tfrank at symyx.com>
>> To: "Dick Renard" <renard at tailgater.net>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 1:24 PM
>> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Cam's for Cheap!
>> Yes, his name is Spiro Jannings, Spiro's Cams.. www.spiroscams.com ,
> San
>> Jose CA, 1-408-292-0646 business.  He has a pretty new hydraulic burko
>> that he uses as well as a storm volkan that he uses for roughing.  He
>> used to work for Elgin and did a lot of grinding and was the guy for
>> hardfacing.  He has all of Delong's old masters as well as some new
> ones
>> he has made himself. We will all miss John, but it's good to know that
>> his masters will be around for a long time.
>> He also has the master for a big hydraulic audi cam, based off of a
> cat
>> cam, as well as the 7a cam, so if you have a 7a you want to clean up
> or
>> regrind or he might be able to make a big cam from a 7a.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
>> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Dick Renard
>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 1:19 PM
>> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
>> Subject: [s-cars] Cam's for Cheap!
>> Hi,
>> I just ran across some of your messages, one concerning the "Successor
>> to DeLong Cams".  Can I get the name, address, phone, etc. of this
>> gentleman?
>> Thank You,
>> Dick Renard
>> Vice President
>> Tailgater, Inc.
>> 1610 Moffett St.
>> Salinas, CA 93905
>> 800.424.5437
>> 831.424.1231 fax
>> 831.214.5374 cell
>> Email: renard at tailgater.net
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