[s-cars] Fuel pump?

Paul DAnneo padanneo at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 12 01:05:38 EDT 2005

I just went threw this. Fuel pump made no noise from trunk. Cracking line at filter only a dribble. Replaced pump car runs.

Djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 5/11/2005 4:45:20 PM Mountain Standard Time, 
aaront at cox-internet.com writes:

My guess is fuel filter or fuel pump. Cant recall if the fuel pump was
especially audible prior to this event. Now cant hear anything from inside
the car.

Any comments or suggestions? 

What is a definitive fuel pump test?

Sounds like a pump. Easiest thing to check is fuel pressure at the filter. 
There should be residual pressure there at all times. Crack open a line and 
see if it sprays or dribbles. A dribble indicates a problem. If you have 
only a dribble, check for power at the pump. The cover for the fuel tank is 
under the carpet in the trunk, right below the ski bag opening. Use a volt 
meter or test light... have someone crank the engine. If power is present 
during cranking, and still there is no pressure up at the filter... find a pump.
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