[s-cars] Where is the Cruise Control module mounted?

Brent Henry thehenrys at sympatico.ca
Sun May 15 11:08:33 EDT 2005

I have picked up a used cruise control module for my 1992 urS4.  My original unit, has been working intermittantly... I have tried to track down the problem... originally thought it was the switch on the head stock, which I replaced and it is still intermittant.  I checked all of the Off-switches on the brake pedal, clutch pedal... they seem to be in good condition and mounted correctly?  So, now I would like to swap in the used control unit that I have.

I have searched around in manuals and all documentation that I have access to, but I have not been able to find the exact mounting location of this module?  Can anyone out there give me some advise on the location of this module?


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