[s-cars] Test drive 2000 A6Q 2.7T 6 speed

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Sun May 15 20:40:17 EDT 2005

Dave writes:

> I was a bit miffed when they denied a claim to replace my 
> outside temp sensor display.  The light in it went out and 
> the display is listed as  being covered.  However I was 
> denied the claim because "light bulbs" are  not covered.
> I know that there is a DIY for this repair but opening up the 
> dash doesn't look like a lot of fun.

Actually, opening up the dash isn't that difficult.

'02 A6 3.0 quattro avant
'96 A6 quattro avant (with tach bulb out, just thinking about opening up the

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