[s-cars] She may be FAT....

David Mackintosh mackintosh at gorge.net
Sun May 15 21:35:23 EDT 2005

Agreed about driving in Oregon.  Generally very good roads, except where
concrete freeways have been rutted from studs.  We also seem to have a
disproportionately high ratio of cops to drivers on the interstates (and
generally not enough traffic to hide in).  Maybe even worse in southern WA.
I found it much easier to speed on the freeways in CA, where you can always
find a string of cars to follow at 80-90 mph.

If anyone's passing through the Hood River (Columbia River Gorge) area, get
in touch.  We've got some pretty sweet roads here around Mt. Hood.

David Mackintosh
905 7th Street
Hood River, OR 97031

541-400-6300  (Cell)
541-308-0595  (Home)

> -----Original Message-----
> Message: 9
> Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 21:20:50 EDT
> From: Djdawson2 at aol.com
> Subject: [s-cars] She may be FAT....
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <27.725301ae.2fb94f72 at aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> As some of you may know... I'm currently working out of
> Boise, Idaho, and
> will be for some time.  Since I'm new to this area, I've
> decided to take
> advantage of the weekends I spend here by doing some exploring.
> This weekend, I decided to drive west to the Oregon coast.
> Wow...  what a
> blast.  While driving in Oregon can be a PITA as far as cops
> go,  this I found,
> is only true on the interstates... at least where I
> traveled.  I went west on
> backroads and state highways, through Eugene, and  arrived at
> the coast in
> Florence.  Went south to Bandon, and then came back  to
> Boise... about 1200
> miles all told.
> I don't think I've ever had so many back to back hours of fun
> in a  car.  The
> roads that take you from east to west through Oregon are
> spectacular.  The
> pavement is nearly immaculate... the views  incredible.
> These roads I found to
> be sparsely populated, and begging to  be driven fast.  Sweepers for
> literally hundreds of miles.  I spent so  much time driving
> at 3 digits, I feel guilty
> mentioning it to those living east  of Kansas City.
> The ole gal may be a bit pudgy... but was she ever up to the
> task.   She ran
> like a champ the entire trip, and was run very hard the vast
> majority of  the
> time.  She found some extra oomph while down so low...  only
> highlighting the
> need for a real IC.
> Bang for the buck... these old cars can't be beat.  Awesome power...
> respectable handling... always delivering reasonable fuel
> mileage... and darn  good
> comfort to boot.  I've owned mine for about 70k now... and
> thinking  I'll have
> it for another 70.
> Now, for some dinner....
> Dave, back in Idaho.

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