[s-cars] Re: S6 starting problem - ECU fuse

Rich Beebe rich at beebecomm.com
Thu May 19 17:26:54 EDT 2005

From: "Bill Mahoney" <wmahoney at disk.com>

> Rich 
> Is this the blue fuse, third from the left I think (above the ECU?)

it's actually the 'red' carrier, but it is the 3rd from the left.

> What's a CAI?

'cold air intake' (to have more elbow room on that side if nothing
else) - MAF wiring, etc. already checked and everything looks fine.

> I suppose the many jump starts may have fried something but I don't know
> what.
> Thank the audi gods for that little fuse though;)

you're certainly right about that. doesn't seem like jump-starting
a car is safe at all any more.

> My only experience with blown ecu fuse was with a shorted to ground ignition
> coil, but since yours blows as soon as battery is connected it sounds like
> something else.  Mine blew as soon as key was turned in the ignition.
> Paging Dr. Paul Gailus. he can figure this out:)

on robert myers' suggestion, i'm now checking the coils for a possible
short along the wires/grounds. again, nothing was done in this area
until i was having these problems - checking none the less.

> Keep us posted and I'll bet you fix this in no time.

with everyone's suggestions i might, but i've been battling this
for days now and i'd really like this car back on the road. <g>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Beebe [mailto:rich at beebecomm.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 3:12 PM
> To: Bill Mahoney; 'Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)'
> Cc: audi s-cars list
> Subject: S6 starting problem - ECU fuse
> bill (and s-car list),
> i have checked the 5 amp ECU fuse and i finally found a blown fuse,
> which i was hoping was a good sign. i unhooked the neg. battery
> cable, inserted a new 5 amp fuse, but once i reconnect the neg.
> terminal, it blows the fuse immediately. i'm unaware of anything
> i might have done to cause this situation. most of the work was
> routine (including CV boot, tie rod end, new stromung exhaust,
> pads, rotors, hoses...), but i also fabbed up a CAI. the MAF is
> hooked up fine and nothing else seems problematic. any thoughts
> on what might be blowing the 5 amp ECU fuse? honestly, i'm at
> a lose.
> thanks again for any help.
> rich 

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