[s-cars] rod knock

Joshua van Tol josh at spiny.com
Wed May 25 23:43:47 EDT 2005

You'd be surprised at how much abuse a crank can take. Granted, that  
journal will have some damage, but I wouldn't be surprised if the  
journal was salvageable, either by grinding, or by metal deposition,  
and re-grinding.

I've rebuilt engines with rod knock before where the crank was fine.  
Others, the crank and rod were shot. You just don't know for sure  
until it's apart.

On May 25, 2005, at 10:23 PM, Djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 5/25/2005 9:20:57 PM Mountain Standard Time,
> giannandrea at mindspring.comt writes:
> The  decision I will be facing in a few days is whether to buy a  
> used engine
> or  to rebuild.
> I'd do a rebuild without question.  You will be needing a new  
> crank  and a
> new rod at the very least, however.  I guess it somewhat depends  
> on  if you plan
> to keep the car for a while.
> Dave
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