[s-cars] Wet Trunk??

Richard Beels beels at technologist.com
Thu May 26 20:42:45 EDT 2005

part two of my Noah saga...

Trunk was wet all over the place.  Two leaks.  First: Right 
tail-light was leaking - in two places.  First, the light itself was 
cracked and was letting rain in.  Secondly, the car was in an 
accident years ago and the bond-magician who fixed it for the PO 
didn't do that good of a job.  Clear silicone and a couple weep holes 
on the outside lens fixed the plastic, gutter sealant and rubberized 
undercoating on the trunk inside fixed the body issue.

The other leak was more frustrating.  On the 90Q, the rear bumper 
mounts perform a sealing function as well - they're bayonet-style 
posts that fit into slots on the frame.  The previously-mentioned 
monkey boys didn't do a really good job re-aligning the bent mounts 
when they repaired the car before.  Their caulking finally wore off 
and the trunk had leaks on both sides from this one.  This one was 
really difficult to fix because I couldn't really get to the bottom 
of the mounts easily - the bumper itself was in the way.

Again, use a garden hose to find the leak.  I suggest emptying the 
trunk and leaving it open, starting dribbling water to find the 
leak.  Start at the bottom and first try the bumper mounts.  Then pay 
attention to the taillight area.  The pour water into the channel 
around the gasket.  If that all checks out, it's looking like a 
window leak so pick a side and let her spray...

Again, much easier to rip everything out and verify it's fixed that 
to take it partially apart multiple times because yuo have multiple 
leak sources.  Really really annoying....

At 05-25-2005 at 02:19, Shakespearean monkeys danced on Harold 
McComas's keyboard and said:
>I pulled out of my driveway today going to work and noticed a stream 
>of water that came from about the center line of my car. 
>Investigated and I have a leak in my trunk area. It seems to be 
>coming from the rear deck (below/underneath the rear window), 
>dripping on the carpet and collecting in the spare wheel well. Then 
>draining out the hole in the  wheel well. I felt moisture where 
>there is a  metal seam. Located approximately  4 inches from the 
>right upper corner of the trunk. Anybody BTDT and can give 
>suggestions on where the leak might be coming from?
>I will try to borrow a camera and take pics so you can get a better 
>idea where it is dripping from.


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