[s-cars] engine rebuild

Dave Ellis UrS4 at sympatico.ca
Fri May 27 17:09:16 EDT 2005

O.k, now I have to ask.  

Why two oil pan gaskets?  And do you have to have two when just removing 
the oil pan to change the oil pump out rather than rebuilding the 

I ask since I have to replace my oil pump (it cracked and now leaks) and 
am just about to order the various gaskets needed.  With the "luck" 
I've had with the car so far I also anticipate that one day I'll need 
to rebuild the engine, so it would be good to know.


On May 27, 2005 15:42, djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:
> Too much...
> Look on gprparts.com
> Head set $238
> Main bearings $48 or $127 ??
> Might try Blau as well.  Remember that you will need 2 oil pan
> gaskets... and the sets only come with one. Dave

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